Courses I've taken
- MAT1100 - Calculus
- INF1100 - Programming for the natural sciences
- MAT-INF1100 - Simulations and computations
- STK1100 - Probability
- MAT1110 - Calculus and linear algebra
- INF1010 - Object-oriented programming
- MAT2300 - Analysis 2
- MAT2500 - Geometry
- MAT1120 - Linear algebra
- AST1010 - Astronomy, a cosmic journey
- MAT2200 - Groups, rings and fields
- MAT2400 - Analysis 1
- MAT2000 - Project in mathematics
- MAT4200 - Commutative algebra
- MAT3500 - Topology
- MATH530 - Algebraic number theory (UIUC)
- MATH501 - Abstract Algebra II (UIUC)
- MATH595 - Homological algebra (UIUC)
- MATH481 - Vector/tensor analysis (UIUC)
- MATH428 - Honors topic; knot theory (UIUC)
- MAT4800 - Complex analysis
- MAT4250 - Number Theory
- MATH4400 - Linear analysis with applications
- STK1110 - Statistical methods and data analysis
- ECON1210 - Microeconomics
- (MAT2410 - Analysis 2)
- Algebraic Geometry I+II (MAT4210+15)
- Algebraic Geometry III (MAT4230)
- Algebraic Topology (MAT4350)
- MAT4520 - Manifolds