Functions for defining the environment. Take a look especially at the Environment class, which implements the logic for lexical scoping.
from functools import reduce
from typing import (
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import operator as op
Represents a variable. Evaluating a symbol means looking it up in the current frame.
@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True)
class Symbol:
A frame is the term used by the authors of SICP to refer to variables in the the current closure.
name: str
Atom = Union[bool, str, int, float, Symbol, "UserFunction", "PrimitiveFunction[Any]"]
Expr = Union[Sequence["Expr" | Atom], Atom]
Frame = dict[Symbol, Atom]
Represents the current environment. An environment consists of a frame, together with possibly a reference to the outer frame.
This is how lexical scoping works: variables in the current scope might shadow variables in the outer scope.
class Environment:
vars: Frame = field(default_factory=dict)
outer: Optional["Environment"] = None
Lookup variable in the environment. Lexical scoping is used: if the variable is not found in the current frame, we look it up in the outer frame recursively.
def lookup_variable(self, variable: Symbol) -> Atom | None:
var = self.vars.get(variable)
if var is not None:
return var
if self.outer is not None:
return self.outer.lookup_variable(variable)
return None
Extend the current environment with the values provided by ‘values’. Creates a new frame.
def extend_environment(self, values: list[tuple[Symbol, Atom]]) -> "Environment":
return Environment(vars=dict((k, v) for k, v in values), outer=self)
Update the current environment. This attaches a new variable to the current frame.
def update_environment(self, symbol: Symbol, value: Atom) -> None:
self.vars[symbol] = value
Represents a lambda function. It has a list of args and a body. It remembers the environment in which it was created.
class UserFunction:
body: Expr
env: Environment
args: list[Symbol]
SubTypeAtom = TypeVar("SubTypeAtom", bound=Expr)
A primitive function is a non-Lisp function, defined in the implementing language.
We give it a function and a docstring to create it.
class PrimitiveFunction(Generic[SubTypeAtom]):
func: Callable[[Sequence[SubTypeAtom]], SubTypeAtom]
doc: str
def __call__(self, args: Sequence[SubTypeAtom]) -> SubTypeAtom:
return self.func(args)
The standard environment which includes built-in functions.
def standard_env() -> Environment:
return Environment(
Symbol("+"): PrimitiveFunction(func=add, doc="Add a list of numbers."),
Symbol("-"): PrimitiveFunction(
func=lambda a: op.sub(*a), doc="Subtract a list of numbers."
Symbol("dec"): PrimitiveFunction(
func=lambda a: a[0] - 1, doc="Decrement a number."
Symbol("*"): PrimitiveFunction(
func=mult, doc="Multiply a list of numbers."
Symbol("<"): PrimitiveFunction(
func=lambda a:*a), doc="Less than. Accepts two arguments."
Symbol("="): PrimitiveFunction(
func=lambda a: op.eq(*a), doc="Equals. Accepts two arguments."
Symbol("doc"): PrimitiveFunction(
func=doc, doc="Print a function docstring."
Symbol("car"): PrimitiveFunction(
func=lambda a: car(*a), # pyright: ignore
doc="Return first element of list.",
Print the docstring of the given function. The argument must be of type PrimitiveFunction.
def doc(expr: Sequence[Expr]) -> Expr:
if len(expr) != 1:
raise RuntimeError("Need only one argument.")
first_el = expr[0]
if not isinstance(first_el, PrimitiveFunction):
raise RuntimeError("Can only show doc of built-ins.")
return first_el.doc
Get the first element of a sequence of expressions.
def car(expr: Sequence[Expr]) -> Expr:
return expr[0]
Return rest of list.
def cdr(expr: Sequence[Expr]) -> Expr:
if not isinstance(expr, list):
raise RuntimeError("expr must be a list.")
return expr[1:]
Return second element in a sequence.
def cadr(expr: Sequence[Expr]) -> Expr:
return expr[1]
Returns the third element in a sequence.
def caddr(expr: Sequence[Expr]) -> Expr:
return expr[2]
def cadddr(expr: Sequence[Expr]) -> Expr:
return expr[3]
def add(args: Sequence[int | float]) -> float:
return reduce(lambda acc, curr: acc + curr, args, 0.0)
def mult(args: Sequence[int | float]) -> float:
return reduce(lambda acc, curr: acc * curr, args, 1.0)