

pylisp is a simple Lisp interpreter.


  • This one. Contains the eval_sexp and apply_sexp functions.
  • environment.py. Contains definitions for environments and variables.
  • repl.py. An implementation of a simple read-eval loop. Can be run by typing pslp after installation.
  • parse.py. Functions for parsing strings into S-expressions.

After installation, run it from the command line with plsp. Or just type directly python pylisp/repl.py.

from typing import (
from pylisp.environment import (

Eval and Apply


Eval the given S-expression. The first half of the eval-apply loop.

def eval_sexp(expr: Expr, env: Environment) -> Atom | Expr:

Self evaluating expressions are symbols, strings, and numbers.

    if is_self_evaluating(expr):
        return expr

A variable is a symbol. We try to look it up.

    if is_variable(expr):
        res = env.lookup_variable(expr)
        if res is None:
            raise LookupError(f"No variable {expr}.")
        return res

If the input is not a sequence, it should be either a symbol or a value. We raise an error if it is neither.

    if not isinstance(expr, Sequence):
        raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown token type: {expr}.")

If we encouter the expression (), raise an error.

    if len(expr) == 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Empty S-expression.")

A quoted expression just returns the expression, like this: (quote (+ 1 2)) -> (+ 1 2) This is how “code is data” makes sense in Lisp languages.

    if car(expr) == "quote":
        return expr[1:][0]

    if car(expr) == "if":
        return eval_if(expr, env)

Define a value: (define a 2) sets the symbol a to point to the value 2.

    if car(expr) == "define":
        return eval_define(expr, env)

    if car(expr) == "let":
        return eval_let(expr, env)

Define a lambda expression.

    if car(expr) == "lambda":
        return eval_lambda(expr, env)

We have exhausted the syntax forms (quote, if, lambda, etc…), so our expression is a function that must be evaluated. We do this by evaluating the first element in the sequence: ((if 1 + -) 1 2) -> (+ 1 2)

    fun = eval_sexp(car(expr), env)

If it does not resolve to a function, raise an error.

    if not isinstance(fun, (UserFunction, PrimitiveFunction)):
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"Unknown function: {fun}. Is of type {type(fun)}. Expr: {expr}"

We extract the arguments of the function and evaluate them in the current environment.

    args = cdr(expr)
    if not isinstance(args, list):
        raise RuntimeError("Arguments is not a list")
    args_evaluated = list(map(lambda e: eval_sexp(e, env), args))

We bounce over to the other half of the eval-apply loop to evaluate the function.

    return apply_sexp(fun, args_evaluated)

The other half of the eval-apply loop. Given a function type, reduces it by evaluating terms recursively.

def apply_sexp(
    proc: UserFunction | PrimitiveFunction[Expr], args: list[Atom | Expr]
) -> Atom | Expr | UserFunction:

If the function is a primitive function, just apply it to the arguments.

    if isinstance(proc, PrimitiveFunction):
        return proc(args)

    if not isinstance(proc, UserFunction):
        raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown function {proc}.")
    procedure_args = proc.args

    if len(procedure_args) != len(args):
        raise RuntimeError(f"Wrong number of args passed to function {proc}.")

    if not check_all_atom(args):
        raise RuntimeError("Not all args are atoms.")

This line contains a lot. The way to evaluate a lambda function is to extend its environment with values for the symbols in its argument list.

    new_env_values = list(zip(procedure_args, args))
    extended_environment = proc.env.extend_environment(new_env_values)

Then we hand the evaluation back to eval_sexp again.

    return eval_sexp(proc.body, extended_environment)

Eval an if block. If condition is (Python) True, then eval first term, else eval second term.

def eval_if(expr: Sequence[Expr], env: Environment) -> Atom | Expr:
    condition = cadr(expr)
    if eval_sexp(condition, env):
        return eval_sexp(caddr(expr), env)

    return eval_sexp(cadddr(expr), env)

Evaluate a define-expression.

def eval_define(expr: Sequence[Expr], env: Environment) -> Atom:
    name = cadr(expr)
    if check_symbol(name):
        value = eval_sexp(caddr(expr), env)
        if check_atom(value):
            env.update_environment(name, value)
            return value

        raise RuntimeError("Wrong type of arg to define.")

    raise RuntimeError("Value must be symbol.")

Eval a let expression:

>(let ((x 2) (y 3)) (+ x y))
def eval_let(expr: Sequence[Expr], env: Environment) -> Expr:
    bindings = cadr(expr)

    if not check_bindings(bindings):
        raise RuntimeError("Wrong type of bindings.")

    binding_symbols = [binding[0] for binding in bindings]
    binding_vals = [binding[1] for binding in bindings]

    body = caddr(expr)

We evaluate a let expression by transforming it into a lambda. The expression (let ((x 2)) (+ x 1)) is equivalent to the lambda expression ((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 2).

    return eval_sexp([["lambda", binding_symbols, body], *binding_vals], env)

Evaluate an S-expression defining a lambda.

A lambda consists of three things: its body, which is just a sequence of S-expressions, its argument list, which is a list of unresolved symbols, and finally, a reference to the environment it was created in.

def eval_lambda(expr: Sequence[Expr], env: Environment) -> UserFunction:
    args = cadr(expr)
    if not isinstance(args, list):
        raise RuntimeError("Syntax error.")

    body = caddr(expr)
    if check_all_symbol(args):
        return UserFunction(body=body, args=args, env=env)

    raise RuntimeError(f"Lambda args must be symbols. Args {args}.")



Integrates type checks and assertions.


Typeguard to verify that all items in atoms is of number type.

def check_all_number(atoms: list[Atom | Expr]) -> TypeGuard[list[int | float]]:
    return all(isinstance(x, (int, float)) for x in atoms)

Typeguard to verify that arg is a symbol.

def check_symbol(arg: Expr) -> TypeGuard[Symbol]:
    return isinstance(arg, Symbol)

Typeguard to verify that all items in args are symbols.

def check_all_symbol(args: list[Expr | Atom]) -> TypeGuard[list[Symbol]]:
    return all(isinstance(x, Symbol) for x in args)

Verify that arg is an Atom.

def check_atom(arg: Expr | Atom) -> TypeGuard[Atom]:
    return not isinstance(arg, list)
def check_all_atom(args: list[Expr | Atom]) -> TypeGuard[list[Atom]]:
    return all(not isinstance(x, list) for x in args)
def is_self_evaluating(expr: Expr) -> TypeGuard[Union[bool, str, int, float]]:
    if isinstance(expr, (list, Symbol)):
        return False

    return True

Verify that expr is a variable.

def is_variable(expr: Expr) -> TypeGuard[Symbol]:
    if isinstance(expr, Symbol):
        return True
    return False

Verify that exprs is a list of lists.

def check_bindings(exprs: Expr) -> TypeGuard[list[list[Expr]]]:
    if not isinstance(exprs, list):
        return False

    return all(isinstance(inner_list, list) for inner_list in exprs)